William James Helm is a Realtor® for Wallace Real Estate in Knoxville, Tennessee. His educational background includes Business Administration degree from Vanguard University (Formally Southern California College), Business Administration degree (Accounting, graduated Cum Laude) from Florida Institute of Technology, and Master of Business Administration from Eastern Kentucky University and Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification from Villanova University. Mr. Helm has numerous certification and awards including the following; Past Director of Visa Energy Corporation American Stock Exchange, Past Director of Arakis Energy Corporation Vancouver Stock Exchange, Past Advisory Board Member to Mission Viejo National Bank, Outstanding Young Men of America, Who's Who in California, Who's Who in Executives and Professionals, Past license holder with the NASD as a Registered Representative and Register Principle, Past license holder Commodities Broker, Past member of The International Association of Professional Financial Consultants, Inc. (Registered Financial Consultant), Certified Investment Specialist. Guest speaker and lecturer at private and State Colleges and Universities, 2003 National Leadership Award, Project Management Professional (PMP) and appointed a Kentucky Colonel by Governor Martha Lane Collins. With over 30 years in business for himself, from fund raising to operations, Mr. Helm, founder of Delta Petroleum Corporation, American Triangle Drilling Corporation, Northfork Oil and Gas Corporation, American Natural Gas Company, and CitiPower, LLC a public utility. Mr. Helm also founded Northfork Construction Corporation, where he built single family homes and duplexes. With over 35 years of professional and executive experience Mr. Helm is proud to be associated with the Wallace Real Estate, where his vast knowledge and expertise is ready to serve the public looking to buy or sell Real Estate. Mr. Helm currently resides in Knoxville, Tennessee, he can be contacted at billhelm.realestate@gmail.com, office 865.693.1111, cell phone 606.521.8197 or Home 865.540.6987.