Lifestyle June 24, 2023

Summer To-Do List for Your Home

Summer’s finally here, and there’s no better time to tackle that list of home maintenance projects you’ve been putting off. From some simple seasonal maintenance to awesome creative endeavors, this honey-do list has a little bit of everything. Here are a few ideas you might want to tackle.

Ceiling Fans-

Get out the step stool and clean your ceiling fan blades. Keeping your fan blades clean will reduce the amount of dust in your home. You can also find cleaning devices at your local home improvement store that let you give your fan a good cleaning without having to use a stool or ladder at all.

Get Your Grill Ready-

Nothing says summer like grilling out. Make sure your grill is ready for the season with a thorough scrubbing. Make sure you don’t have a family of birds or squirrels setting up residence in there (this is pretty common). Replace worn out cooking grids and clean out debris. If you have a gas grill, make sure your propane tank is functional and all your seals are intact. If your grill is a rusted out hulk that’s seen better days, it may be time to replace it.

Plant A Flower Garden-

Perhaps nothing spruces up your home’s exterior in the summertime better than a fresh flower garden out front. It’s the perfect way to make your home feel welcoming. You don’t have to have a degree in horticulture either. Choose some flowers you like and get them in the dirt. Instant curb appeal.

Clean Out (And Organize) Your Garage-

It’s easy for the garage to become a catch all storage spot filled with pretty much anything and everything. Since it’s warm out, throw open the doors and get your garage in tip top shape. Maybe consider adding some shelving or wall organizers for stuff you want to keep and get it all off the floor.

Figure out what you don’t need anymore and trash it, recycle it, or donate it. Who knows, maybe you’ll even be able to fit a car in the garage when you’re done.


Winter is over, so those heavy down comforters have to go. Replace the heavy blankets on your beds with lighter, brighter blankets. Apply the same ideas to your couches and comfy chairs. Lose the heavy throw blankets for some nice, light ones, and add some brightly colored pillows.

These are just a few ideas for your summer prep honey-do list. See what you can come up with for your home!